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secret wig society


secret wig society Empty secret wig society

帖子  Admin 周二 九月 13, 2011 10:52 pm

I remember about a year ago, I started wonderingfull lace wigs
what type of weaves Black celebrities were wearing. I could not tell where their hair ended and the weave
human hair wigsbegan. I knew they had to be wearing weaves or something. Everybody could not have mid back length hair all of a sudden. Then I started wondering if most Black celebrity
lace front wigs women had found some sort of hair growth serum, because they all seemed to have long flawless hair.I started to do a little research and I found the full lace wig. Most cost over a thousand dollars at that time and could only be found on line. Well I had no intentions of spending a thousand
full lace wigs human hairdollar, so I started to look for alternatives and I found synthetic lace front wigs. They were selling for under $100 and nobody really knew what they were. I thought I was in wig heaven. The hairlines were not perfect but with bangs, very undetectable. Most of all no one was looking for a lace front wig. I soon found I was not the only person who knew about my secret.Ladies on YouTube were also wearing them and doing tutorials. I was so excited. I started watching and learning. Soon I found myself doing tutorial showing how I made my lace fronts look more natural. I felt like I was part of a
lace wigs human hair "secret wig society"


帖子数 : 211
注册日期 : 11-08-31

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